My thoughts on Hearthstone, and Magic: The Gathering
Thanks to the recently released "Journey to Un'Goro" expansion in Hearthstone, I've found myself playing Hearthstone nearly every single day, a game that I previously stopped playing many months back. I have been playing on and off since the game was released back in 2014, however the previous expansion, "Mean Streets of Gadgetzan" made me quit playing due to my dislike and inability to deal with the new mechanics. Since I had been playing the game inconsistently over the years, as well as my unwillingness to pay money for card packs or Solo Adventures, I was always a few expansions behind, and missing many essential cards. I wouldn't say the game is "pay to win" since you can easily get cards and enough dust to craft the cards you need by doing the daily quests, it is however much easier to get those cards by paying money. Whenever a new expansion comes out, everyone rushes to buy new packs, craft the new cards and try ...